Extrusion evaluation of root filling material during thermomechanical condensation of gutta-percha using different apical plugs


  • Tatiane de Oliveira Rebelo Cirurgiã-dentista
  • Maria Letícia Borges Britto Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul
  • Cleber Keiti Nabeshima Universidade de São Paulo


Root canal filling, Gutta-percha, Tooth apex


Aim: To analyze the extrusion of root filling material during thermomechanical condensation of gutta-percha using apical plugs of calcium hydroxide associated with iodoform or Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA).

Materials and Methods: Thirty permanent canines were used, divided into three groups: G1 - MTA apical plug; G2 - Calcium hydroxide associated with iodoform plugs; and G3 (control) - no apical plug. After filling the root canal, the extruded material could be observed through the direct analysis of the apex using a magnifying glass. The data obtained were evaluated by the chi- square test at a significance level of 5%.

Results: Calcium hydroxide associated with iodoform apical plugs proved to be similar to the control group, both of which were statistically different from the MTA apical plug (p=0.024).

Conclusion: The MTA apical plug proved to be more effective in controlling the material extrusion of the root filling during the thermomechanical technique.


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How to Cite

Rebelo, T. de O., Britto, M. L. B., & Nabeshima, C. K. (2016). Extrusion evaluation of root filling material during thermomechanical condensation of gutta-percha using different apical plugs. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 47(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/arquivosemodontologia/article/view/3563




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