Carie disease as carie predictors in deciduous and permanent teeth


  • Helenaide Paiva Pereira Universidade Gama Filho
  • Victor Requejo Costa Universidade Gama Filho
  • Lívia Azeredo Alves Antunes Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Maria da Encarnação Perez Requejo Costa Universidade Gama Filho


Dental caries, Risk factors, Primary dentition, Permanent dentition


Many signs have been identified as carie predictors in deciduous and permanent teeth. The purpose of this work is to report on carie disease in anterior deciduous teeth as carie predictors in deciduous molars as well as on the presence of the disease in deciduous molars as carie predictors in first permanent molars. One hundred twenty five patients, ages ranging from 2 to 10 years of age (average of 4.7 years), both genders, attended to at the Dental Pediatrics Specialization clinic of a private institution of higher education, were examined as regards DMFT, dmf, and early childhood caries. It was found that 73.33% of the children who presented carie lesions in deciduous molars also presented caries in anterior deciduous teeth (p=0,001), whereas 86.40% who presented caries in permanent molars had already shown signs of the disease in deciduous molars (p=0,004). No significant relation could be observed between the anterior deciduous filled teeth and caries in posterior deciduous teeth, nor between restorations in deciduous molars and caries in permanent molars (p=0,099) (p=0,096). The presence of carie disease in deciduous teeth is a strong predictor of disease in permanent teeth, thus revealing the importance of prevention and the early treatment of lesions.


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How to Cite

Pereira, H. P., Costa, V. R., Antunes, L. A. A., & Costa, M. da E. P. R. (2016). Carie disease as carie predictors in deciduous and permanent teeth. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 45(2). Retrieved from




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