Politics, war and Hegel in Carl Schmitt social éthos
Politics, War, Hegel, Éthos, Carl SchmittAbstract
The present work is a study on the thinking of the politician and his social ethos in a dialogue between Hegel and Carl Schmitt. The work looks at Schmitt's Hegelian roots, such as the formation of the rule of law, the philosophy of law, and the definitive thought of the absolute found in Hegel to form the fundamental line of thought of Carl Schmitt's social ethos formation. The formation not only of the friend-foe theory as well as the denial of self for war are common Schmitt concepts that are of Hegelian origin and for this reason are powerful tools for the compression of the dialectical reality and movement of the nation states and of the philosophy of the State. Hegel's talk with Schmitt is a study of personal relations with the state and the form of government promoted by it.
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