Die with dignity:

Daniel Karsai case, European Court of Human Rights and the brazilian law on euthanasia





Daniel Karsai, Euthanasia, Die with Dignity, European Court of Human Rights.


This paper examines the case of Dr. Daniel Karsai, a Hungarian human rights attorney suffering from advanced ALS, who seeks euthanasia in order to die with dignity, in accordance with his spiritual and professional beliefs. However, Hungarian law prohibits euthanasia and imposes extraterritorial jurisdiction, risking prosecution for those assisting in euthanasia even if it is done abroad. Consequently, Dr. Karsai has taken his case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), arguing that Hungary's total ban on end-of-life decisions violates his fundamental human rights, including the right to self-determination, prohibition of inhuman treatment, and freedom of ideological belief. The reasoning presented by Dr. Karsai and by the Hungarian Government along with the decision by the ECHR given on June 13th, 2024, will be analyzed. It also explores the Hungarian legal framework's extraterritorial application, the right to life, the prohibition of torture, and the rights to privacy and freedom of thought under the European Convention on Human Rights. Lastly, using Brazilian law context as an example, it will be argued that the arguments presented by the applicant are applicable worldwide, enabling a new perspective of the legal debate around euthanasia and reflecting on broader ethical and legal debates surrounding the right to die with dignity. 

Author Biographies

  • Igor Piedade, Federal University of Minas Gerais

    Law undergraduate at UFMG. Teaching assistant for the General Theory of Law course at the Faculty of Law. Intern at the 2nd Reporting Office of the 2nd Appellate Panel of the Federal Regional Court of the 6th Region.

  • Julia Fonseca Salomão, Federal University of Minas Gerais

    Law undergraduate at UFMG. Intern at the office of the 8th Civil Court of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Die with dignity:: Daniel Karsai case, European Court of Human Rights and the brazilian law on euthanasia. (2024). CAAP Journal, 29(2), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.69881/pwmwpp09