The Ghost on the Third Floor

How the Gothic in Jane Eyre was Translated to Brazilian Portuguese




gothic, Jane Eyre, translation


Defined by its countless particularities, the literary Gothic genre is embedded in Jane Eyre of Charlotte Brontë in a very characteristic way. Besides the themes and features common to the Gothic, Brontë subverts some of the conventions of the genre and creates a narrative considered pioneer. In light of that, it is necessary to understand how one of the most important and intricate pillars of the book was adapted and translated to Brazilian Portuguese. Thereby, this present article aims to analyze how the Gothic aspect in Jane Eyre was translated in Brazil, by comparing two different translations of the novel, one from 1942 by Sodré Viana and another from 2014 by Anna and Carlos Duarte. In that regard, we conducted the research using a qualitative methodology, which was grounded on a bibliographical investigation and an analysis of a bilingual parallel corpus. The study was, therefore, primarily based on the theories of Toury (2012), Bezerra (2012), Cavallaro (2002), Lanzetti (2006) and Smith (2013). Thus, we placed the translations side by side and compared the approaches utilized by each translator. Therefore, by the end of the article, we concluded that the 2014 version preserves the Gothic aspect present in Brontë’s work more freely, since there are more instances of maintenance and even intensification. The 1942 translation, on the other hand, probably suffered with the limitations of its time and had a portion of the novel altered, sacrificing certain aspects of the Gothic.


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How to Cite

Campara, G. C. (2024). The Ghost on the Third Floor: How the Gothic in Jane Eyre was Translated to Brazilian Portuguese. Caligrama: Revista De Estudos Românicos, 29(2), 173–187.