“Suplicantes”, by Elfriede Jelinek

Gender Translation under a Feminist Perspective





translation and gender, translation strategies, grammatical gender translation, German-Portuguese translation, Elfriede Jelinek


The aim of this paper is to think about the translation of grammatical gender in practice, providing examples of translation strategies that can help deal with unmarked genders in Portuguese. To this end, it draws on the theoretical framework of gender and translation of authors such as Susan Bassnett, Luise von Flotow, Sherry Simon, among others, to reflect on the implications of non-marking and dialoguing with current debates on the political dimension of the use of grammatical genders in Brazilian Portuguese, such as Raquel Freitag. As a practical example, this paper presents a translation project from German into Portuguese of the initial part of Die Schutzbefohlenen, by Austrian writer Elfriede Jelinek, with a translation project that maintains the interpretative openness of the unmarked gender present in the German original – and presenting the solutions found in Portuguese.


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Author Biography

Gisele Jordana Eberspächer, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR) | Curitiba | PR | BR

Doutoranda em Estudos Literários pela Universidade Federal do Paraná.


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How to Cite

Eberspächer, G. J. (2024). “Suplicantes”, by Elfriede Jelinek: Gender Translation under a Feminist Perspective. Caligrama: Revista De Estudos Românicos, 29(2), 45–57. https://doi.org/10.17851/2238-3824.29.2.45-57