Indígenas de Minas e suas representações nos documentos do império


  • Marcilene da Silva


Índio, Civilização, Império


The issue of how different group interact with each other has always been a big human being question, and it comes out when different group such as Indians and white man getting in touch. Since the Brazilian colonization the interaction between Portuguese white man and primitive Brazilian habitant can be most described as a huge intervention over primitive Brazilian people. By supporting the idea that white christen culture were superiors to Indians Portuguese forced in many ways to takeover the Indian culture therefore the Portuguese believed that it would be better to bring them to the white culture and civilization. This paper discusses how public policies supported the white culture to civilized the primitive Brazilians people during XVIII century.



How to Cite

Indígenas de Minas e suas representações nos documentos do império. (2023). Educação Em Revista , 16(NUMEROESPECIAL).