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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I declare that I have read and am aware of the submission and publication rules and that failure to comply with any item of the rules will result in the immediate interruption of the evaluation process and the respective rejection of the submission.

Author Guidelines

Processing steps

  1.  The manuscript is prepared using the journal's template (without journal identification):
  2. The manuscript is deposited in the preprint’s repository:

           Wait until the approval of the manuscript in the repository and the DOI.

  1. The manuscript is submitted to the journal's submission system: (attach the Open Science Compliance Form).
  2. The manuscript is evaluated according to the editorial criteria.
  3. If the manuscript is approved in the initial technical evaluation, it goes on to a single-blind peer review or may be selected for the open peer review process.
  4. If the manuscript is approved in the peer review, it is published. If rejected, it is returned and can be presented in another journal that uses a preprint repository.

Policy Scope

Educação em Revista is an open-access electronic journal, with a continuous publication, aimed to disseminate unprecedented and relevant scientific production developed in the field of Education.

Manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. It is recommended that approved articles be translated into English as part of the journal's internationalization process.

The journal is organized into six sections:

Articles: They gather unpublished manuscripts that present empirical or theoretical research results or systematic and integrative critical reviews of scientific and academic production in the area.

Reviews: They gather manuscripts that present a critical reading of works relevant to the educational area that have been published in the last three years.

Evaluative Review: The reviewers who participate in the open peer review process will be invited to publish the review. This section includes evaluative reviews originating from open peer review.

Open word: It gathers opinion articles on current themes of repercussions in the educational area.

Interviews: They bring together unpublished interviews that present relevant contributions to the educational field.

Dossier: It brings together a set of articles that address a specific theme, conceived from a proposal received from the academic community or a call made by the editors.

Educação em Revista values the originality of the submitted manuscripts, their importance for researchers in the field of Education, theoretical-methodological rigor, quality, and relevance of the evidence that supports the argument developed by the authors.

As a practice to value Open Science, Educação em Revista adopts a series of practices as follows: the open access policy, the adoption of the code of good practices, and the dissemination of the article on social media. The process begins with the submission of manuscripts that are previously deposited on Scielo's preprint server, available at or in other open online repositories, such as:

Manuscripts submitted to Educação em Revista and previously deposited on the SciELO preprint server or in another repository duly informed by the author will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee, which verifies their relevance to the scope of the journal and the respective proposed section and submits them to the check for plagiarism and self-plagiarism program called Check For Plagiarism.

Adherence to policy and promotion of ethics in scientific communication

Educação em Revista is committed to the observance of good ethical practices in the management of manuscripts, which involves editors, reviewers, and authors. As a reference in their manuscripts, authors must adopt the “Scielo Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication” and the “Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publications” recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors Doctors (WAME).

For the verification of plagiarism and self-plagiarism by the software, all articles that exceed 25% of plagiarism, including self-citation, will be analyzed by the editorial committee, which will request a position from the authors, if necessary. The editorial team will issue a final opinion on the situation.

The publication of an article that brings results of research involving human beings carried out in Brazil must be supported by the approval of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP- Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa), according to CNS Resolution 466, of December 12, 2012 (Ethics in Research with Human Beings); and CNS Resolution 510, of April 7, 2016 (Ethics in Research in Human and Social Sciences). If the research has not been appreciated and approved by the CEP, it must comply with the ethical parameters adopted by Educação em Revista. Manuscripts by foreign authors must follow the ethical standards of their country of origin. This information must be mentioned in the body of the manuscript, in the methodology section, or at the end of the article, after the references.

Falsification or fabrication of results will be considered serious misconduct. If there are doubts about the results of the research presented in the manuscript, the supporting data of the research methodology may be requested.

Educação em Revista receives communications of suspected misconduct in published manuscripts through its institutional email: For the analysis of misconduct, the flow diagrams of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) are used. If retraction is necessary, Educação em Revista follows the Scielo Retraction Guide. The manuscript remains in the database as retracted.

Following the new practices of Open Science, the Form on compliance with Open Science must be submitted, and attached to the manuscript, which will be consulted at all stages of validation and evaluation of the submission. In this form, authors are asked to inform: (a) whether the manuscript is a preprint and, if so, its location; (b) whether data, program codes, and other material underlying the manuscript text are properly cited and referenced; and (c) whether opening options are accepted in the peer review process.

Manuscripts with more than one author must present the specific contribution of each one in the writing process. The journal works together with the CRedit (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) which is maintained by the Consortia for Advancing Standards in Research Administration Information (CASRAI). CRediT considers 14 different authoring or contributing roles: Project Management, Formal Analysis, Conceptualization, Data Curation, Writing – First Version, Review and Editing, Research, Methodology, Funding, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, and Visualization. Each author must present, in a specific form, his/her contribution(s) in the writing of the manuscript.

Later inclusion of authors will not be accepted after the submission of the manuscript.

Manuscript evaluation process

Submitted manuscripts that comply with editorial standards will initially undergo a desk review and an evaluation by one of the Editors-in-Chief, who will verify the quality of the manuscript and its contributions to the journal. Once approved, the article will be forwarded to one of the assistant editors responsible for forwarding the manuscript to the evaluators.

The evaluators must have a doctor's degree and must be affiliated with a national or international scientific institution. The names of the reviewers will initially remain confidential. If there is consented to open the evaluation process by the authors and by the evaluators, the identity of both will be revealed. The journal will forward a reviewer's declaration to collaborators and will annually publish the names of its body of ad hoc reviewers.

All manuscripts are evaluated by at least two reviewers. The opinion should consider the evaluation criteria of the journal, which provides for analysis of the theme's relevance, theoretical-methodological consistency, clarity, and compliance with the journal's editorial standards. If there are disagreements regarding the evaluation, the editors will submit the manuscript to a third reviewer to support the final decision. The evaluators may approve the publication of the manuscript, suggest modifications, or refuse publication of the manuscript. Authors are informed about the entire evaluation process.

Manuscripts that are outside the Journal's editorial criteria are returned to the authors. This group contains texts that do not address a central issue in the educational area; do not present relevant contributions to the analysis of the theme addressed. In the specific case of articles, manuscripts will also be rejected if they are merely descriptive, without developing a theoretical and methodological analysis of the issue addressed, if they are reports of experience, and if they do not present empirical elements or sufficiently developed arguments to support their analyzes and conclusions.

In the case of mandatory review, the authors have a period of fifteen (15) days, from the sending of the editorial decision to make the requested changes. The new version of the manuscript must be written with the changes highlighted in red and the authors must send a letter of reply to the editor responsible for monitoring the evaluation process in a separate file, explaining how the requested changes were met or, when necessary, justification for cases they did not meet. After sending the revised version of the manuscript, the editor responsible for conducting the evaluation process verifies the new version and decides on the final decision. If the manuscript is approved, it will proceed to the standardization, review, and layout process. The Editorial Committee of Educação em Revista reserves the right to make a final decision on publication, upon evaluation of the reformulated manuscript. During the editorial process, cases of misconduct are subject to analysis and judgment by the Editorial Committee, based on good practice guidelines. When necessary, the Editorial Board may be consulted by the editors, leaving the final decision to the Editorial Board. The contribution of the section editors is duly credited in the published article that has been submitted to open peer review. The evaluators receive a declaration of the opinion of the manuscript and can also validate the activity in Publons.

If the authors meet the editorial conditions will be invited to evaluate manuscripts in the journal, regardless of the result of the evaluation process of their submission. The period between submission and publication is, on average, six months, depending on the number of manuscripts under evaluation and the availability of ad hoc reviewers.

Educação em Revista reaffirms its commitment to transparency in publication processes and will monitor to avoid endogeneity. Consistent with this principle, 15% will be the maximum percentage of UFMG authors per year. The Editorial Commission reserves the right to postpone the publication of articles by UFMG authors to maintain the principle of regional and institutional diversity in its publications.

The Editorial Committee may publish an article produced by invitation, to contribute to a more pressing debate in the area. This article will only be evaluated by the Editorial Committee.


Evaluation Opening Policy

The journal Educação em Revista adopts two types of peer review:

  1. Single-blind peer review: in this type of review, evaluators know who the authors are, but the authors do not know who the evaluators are.
  2. Open peer review: in this type of review, authors and reviewers know each other's identity.

The single-blind evaluation standard format is adopted by the journal. The editors-in-chief and assistant editors, based on the principles of Open Science, adoption of preprints and, taking as reference the information sent by the authors in the form of compliance with Open Science, will invite authors and evaluators to open the evaluation process, which will materialize with the approval of both.

Open Data Policy

Open Science proposes guidelines for collaborative, shared, and public scientific practice. In line with these principles, Educação em Revista started to adopt a series of practices such as the open access policy, the code of good practices, and the use of social media to disseminate published works. In articles with multiple authors, the role of each author is required. In addition, the sharing of analysis data, instruments, scripts, and materials available in online repositories, such as SciELO, Zenodo, Figshare, and OSF, is encouraged, and the link must be shown in the work. Authors should choose file formats from which data can be extracted, aiming to maximize accessibility and reuse of the dataset. If they cannot be published, this information must be indicated in the manuscript.

Editorial Guidelines for Submission - General

When starting the manuscript submission process, the authors must verify their compliance with the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned.

  1. The manuscript must be sent to one of the sections: Article, Review, Open Word, Interview, or Dossier. It must be submitted exclusively as the template available at the link and sent through the online system
  2. For its submission, at least one of the authors must have a doctor's degree.
  3. Proposals submitted simultaneously to another national or international journal will not be accepted.
  1. An interval of one and a half years will be observed between the publication of a text written by an author and the beginning of a new submission process by the author.
  2. The manuscript must follow the recent guidelines of the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT) ( or the American Psychological Association (APA).
  3. In all cases, the title must have a maximum of 15 words and must be presented in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
  4. Only for Article and Open Word submission: Submit an abstract containing between 150 and 250 words in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, followed by a minimum of three and a maximum of five keywords, which must also be in the three languages. Abstracts in a foreign language must be prepared following the respective grammatical guidelines. Automatic translations will not be considered.
  1. For each section, the manuscript must contain:

    Article: between 6,000 and 12,500 words.

    Review: between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

    Evaluative review: between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

    Open word: between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

    Interview: between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

  2. All authors of the manuscript must be named and linked to the article exclusively in the field indicated in the submission system, being mandatory to inform ORCID, as well as biography summary, address, telephone, and institutional affiliation, according to the Educação em Revista standard, even if the submission system does not show the mandatory sign.
  3. Illustrations, tables, graphs, and charts must be inserted in the text in an editable format. They must also have a title that allows understanding of the meaning of the collected data, without the need for reference to the text, always placed above the material. They must follow the rules of the IBGE. Example: Table 1 – Enrollment by region. The source of its origin must be entered at the bottom.
  4. Tables are organized in rows and columns, analogous to Cartesian axes, defining cells where data are displayed. They are usually used to display numerical values. Avoid long tables that span more than one page. A table must be a simple and understandable element for the reader. Its purpose is to facilitate the exposition and comparison of information. Avoid using expressions such as: “figure below” or “table above”, for example. Always use the corresponding numbering of the referenced element: Figure 1, Table 1.
  5. Figures (pictures, drawings, illustrations, images, and maps) must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and JPG or PNG format, incorporated into the manuscript. All illustrations must have the authorization of the author in case they are from third parties. All images must be duly numbered and accompanied by captions and an indication of the source.
  6. Papers published in conference proceedings are not accepted unless the manuscript has been modified to provide a significant proportion of unprecedented elements that would justify a new publication. Information on the publication of the preliminary version at events is mandatory, indicating the link to the article in the “comments to the editor” field of the submission system, if applicable.
  1. The publication of an article that brings results of research involving human beings and carried out in Brazil must be supported by the approval of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP- Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa). Articles by foreign authors must follow the ethical standards of their country of origin.
  1. We prefer that the authors indicate the evaluators and their respective electronic addresses.
  1. Concepts and opinions expressed in the manuscript as well as the accuracy and origin of quotations are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
  2. In case of approval, the manuscript must be submitted to language review and bibliographic standardization, whose responsibility will be exclusive to the author(s). The Journal may indicate registered professionals who carry out the work, if necessary. Exceptional cases will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee.
  1. The final, reviewed version must be sent as the template, with complete information on the authors, institutional affiliation, and funding.


Editorial Guidelines for dossier submission

  1. Proposals for a thematic dossier may be presented at the initiative of the editorial committee, which must issue a specific public notice containing the guidelines for its preparation or may be presented at the initiative of the academic community, following the guidelines specified below.
  2. The dossier proposals must be sent by email ( to the Editorial Commission, which has the role of analyzing them following the scope and policy of the journal and will issue an opinion within two months.
  3. Dossier proposals must contain the following information:

- Title.

- Name and a brief resume of the organizer(s).

- Summary and brief justification on the proposed topic.

- Structure of the dossier, containing:

*List with titles and abstracts of the articles that will compose the dossier. Abstracts should contain a presentation of the problem, research procedures, main results, and main references.

*Name and brief curriculum of the authors of the articles that will compose the dossier.

  1. Proposals whose topics have already been published in other dossiers of the journal in the last five years will not be accepted unless there is a theoretical or other justification to be evaluated by the Editorial Committee.
  2. The proposal must contain a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 articles by researchers linked to different national and international institutions. At least 2 of these articles must necessarily be by foreign authors.
  3. Dossier proposals with more than one author and/or organizer from the same institution will not be accepted.
  4. The proposal must conform to the editorial policy of Educação em Revista, especially in its contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the educational field.
  5. There must be clarity, coherence, and organicity of the articles in the proposal as a thematic unit.
  6. If the proposal is approved, the authors must format the articles in the template available at the link and submit them through the journal's submission system, indicating the Session – Dossier – for publication ( /index.php/edur/login), according to the deadlines defined by the Editorial Commission.
  7. The dossier must consist of articles only.
  8. The articles that make up the dossier must comply with the same editorial standards provided for submission via continuous demand.
  9. Submitted articles will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee according to the same rules and procedures adopted by the journal for articles in continuous demand.
  10. The Editorial Committee may request changes and/or exclusions of articles from the dossier.
  11. The organizers must follow the editorial production of the dossier during all stages, acting as intermediaries between the editors and the authors of the articles to resolve issues related to the review suggested by the external opinions, the review of language and bibliographic standardization, its editing and other demands that may arise related to the production of the dossier.
  12. The organizers must maintain confidentiality throughout the peer review process, following simple blind review rules, as well as ensure compliance with deadlines during the review and editing process.
  13. The organizers will oversee preparing a presentation text for the dossier, which will compose the editorial of the issue.
  14. The organizers must produce a short publicity text for social media about the dossier.
  15. The organizers and authors will not be remunerated by the journal.

Copyright and Licensing

The authors of the manuscript published in the journal Educação em Revista hold the copyright of the publication. Responsibility for the content of the manuscripts is the sole responsibility of the authors. All journal content, except where identified, is licensed under the CC-BY license version 4.0, available at This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt, and create upon the work published in Educação em Revista, even for commercial purposes, as long as it takes credit for the original creation. If the author is responsible for the remixing and/or adaptation, he must send a message to the editorship of Educação em Revista informing this situation, with proof of attribution of credit to the original publication. Thus, the authors hold the copyright on the published manuscript and Educação em Revista has the right of the first publication.

 Submission of manuscripts

The article must be submitted through the journal's portal at:, after complete registration and creation of login and password, upon agreement of the constant terms of the electronic submission form.

Author fees

There are no fees or charges for submission, evaluation and publication in Educação em Revista.

Conflict of interests

 Educação em Revista is committed to good publication practices, following research integrity standards endorsed by the scientific community. The conflict of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature. Conflicts of interest can occur when authors, reviewers, or editors have interests that may influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts.

All authors and reviewers must report, in writing, to the editors, any conflict of interest related to the research or the manuscript. When submitting the manuscript, the authors are responsible for recognizing and revealing conflicts of any nature that may have influenced the work. If there is a conflict of interest, even potentially, the authors must inform it in the template and also in the corresponding field of the system during the submission process.

The ad hoc reviewers must consider any type of conflict of interest before evaluating the manuscript. If a conflict of interest among the evaluators is identified, the Editorial Committee will forward the manuscript to another ad hoc evaluator. In turn, editors who may have a conflict of interest with a particular manuscript submitted to the journal should not make any editorial decisions or be involved in the editorial process.

Privacy Policy

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being available for other purposes or to third parties.

Article Preservation Policy

The policy for preserving digital files of the journal Educação em Revista assumes the availability of new articles and previous issues in pdf format and in other formats, when possible, in the indexing bases of which it is a part, such as SciELO, Redalyc, and Portal Educ@.

In addition, all published texts are self-archived on the UFMG Periodicals Portal, available at, which has an institutional backup system, as well as local backup, with a view to maximum data preservation.


Unpublished manuscript with:

1) results of empirical or theoretical research.

2) systematic and integrative critical review of scientific and academic production in the area. They should have between 6,000 and 12,500 words.

Make a new submission to the section Articles.

Open World

Artigo de opinião sobre temas atuais de repercussão na área educacional. Deve ter entre 3.000 e 5.000 palavras.

Fazer uma nova submissão para a seção Palavra Aberta


Reviewers who participate in the open peer review process will be invited to publish their opinion. This section includes evaluative reviews originating from open peer review. They should have between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

Make a new submission to the section Evaluative Review.

Resenha Avalativa

Reviewers who participate in the open peer review process will be invited to publish their opinion. This section includes evaluative reviews originating from open peer review. They should have between 3,000 and 5,000 words.

Make a new submission to the section Evaluative Review.

Dossiê Temático

Gathering unpublished articles on the same theme. Organized through a public call, they should contain a presentation prepared by a coordinator, which articulates the diversity of perspectives on the topic.

Make a new submission to the section Thematic Dossier:

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.