Planejamento de uma sequência didática na perspectiva da formação integrada e da construção do conhecimento por constelação de Theodor Adorno


  • Eduardo Augusto Werneck Ribeiro Instituto Federal Catarinense
  • Vânio Demetrio Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Reginaldo Plácido Instituto Federal Catarinense


Vocational and Technological Education, Didactic Sequence, Adorno, Integrated High School


Philosophy teaching requires a teaching and student performance that allows us to go beyond the simple phenomenal description of reality or knowledge. Admitting its objective of developing criticism as the foundation of human thought, it is necessary to move beyond a simple reflection on the questions that surround our reality, in order to enable philosophy, based on the exercise of careful reflection, to contribute to the unveiling of the totality of the real. This work will present the organization and application of a Didactic Sequence entitled “Thinking about the constellation of science: a didactic sequence”, in order to point out a teaching strategy that gives teachers a way to teach philosophy beyond the descriptive perspective of knowledge. We chose to organize the didactic sequence based on the concepts of integrated training in Vocational and Technological Education in dialogue with the construction of knowledge by constellation (ADORNO, 2009). The Didactic Sequence sought to develop reflection and the construction of new knowledge by constellation with the objective of enabling during its application moments and spaces of reflexive and critical attitude, the production of knowledge, the development of intellectual autonomy and the understanding of social reality. The objective of the work was achieved, since the development of the activities allowed to highlight and develop important terms such as science, common sense, scientific method, scientific community, cognitive, ethical and political values, and social responsibility. 


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Author Biography

Eduardo Augusto Werneck Ribeiro, Instituto Federal Catarinense

Possui graduação em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1999), mestrado em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2004) e doutorado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2011). Atualmente é professor do Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC). Docente permanente dos mestrados profissionais: Educação Profissional e Tecnológica - ProfEPT (Blumenau) e Tecnologia e Ambiente (Araquari). 



How to Cite

Ribeiro, E. A. W., Demetrio, V., & Plácido, R. (2022). Planejamento de uma sequência didática na perspectiva da formação integrada e da construção do conhecimento por constelação de Theodor Adorno. Educação Em Revista, 38. Retrieved from


