Formação de educadores na interface educação superior - educação do campo: análise a partir da experiência na UNIOESTE



Superior Education, Rural Area Education, Alternation Regimen, Popular sectors inclusion


  This article analyzes the route and effectiveness of the undergraduate courses in alternation for rural area teachers in training in the Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (UNIOESTE), focusing on the insertion and stay of the popular sectors in state universities. The empirical reference are the experiences from the Pedagogy courses for Rural Area Teachers and the Degree in Rural Area Education, finished between 2004-2017 at UNIOESTE, which had 137 graduates. In addition to the experiences, the analysis focused on their monographs showed that when talking about the reality questions of insertion from the students-researchers show the relation between show the relation between Higher and Basic Education from the teachers training. The analyzed training experiences imprint contributions in the attribution of new meanings to the social role of universities that focus on the resizing of the access, content and form in Higher Education in its interface with Rural Area Education.  




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Author Biographies

Alelx Verdério, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

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Janaine Zdebski da silva, Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia

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João Carlos de Campos, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

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Valter de Jesus Leite, Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM

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How to Cite

Verdério, A., Zdebski da silva, J., Carlos de Campos, J., & de Jesus Leite, V. (2021). Formação de educadores na interface educação superior - educação do campo: análise a partir da experiência na UNIOESTE. Educação Em Revista, 37(1). Retrieved from