
  • Maria Nizete de Azevedo Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Ana Luiza Bustamante Smolka Universidade Estadual de Campinas


imagination and creation, teaching work, early years of schooling, collective creative activity, teaching relationships


Imaginative and creative processes of teachers in the initial years of schooling are analyzed in this work, based in the Historical-Cultural Theory, anchored, above all, in the concepts of social work in Marx and reproductive and creative activities in Vygotsky and his interlocutors. An attempt was made to answer the question: in the teaching activity, what evidences the imaginative and creative processes? The research context encompasses the teaching work of teachers from a school involved in a collaborative university/school partnership project. The analysis of teaching activities, mediated by the unit of analysis collective creative activity, showed, on the one hand, the coexistence of reproductive and creative activities in teaching work: creative processes emanating from and between prescribed reproductive activities, constituting and constituting collective practices of resistance; on the other hand, an essentially collective creative act, interwoven by elements from the relationship between imagination and reality, emerge from the interrelationship between personal, professional, foreign and historical experiences, with strong emotional bonds. The collective was evidenced as a unit of resistance, in which the imagination of each subject is, at the same time, sustained by him and a source of collective creation. These results lead to the defense that collaborative actions between teachers invite them to the activity of imagination and creation, as the richness of the experience would not be promoted by isolated teaching work. After all, collective work and teaching authorship on this work, mediated by imagination, are pillars for the construction of teaching as a human activity, as praxis.


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Author Biographies

Maria Nizete de Azevedo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Teacher and researcher at the Federal University of São Paulo. Post-doctorate at the Faculty of Education at Unicamp, Doctor and Master in Education at the Faculty of Education at USP (FEUSP) in the area of Science Teaching. Professional performance and research, mainly on the following topics: pedagogical practices, supervised internships, initial and continuing education of Science teachers, imagination and teacher creation, mediation and language in science classes.

Ana Luiza Bustamante Smolka, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Teacher and researcher at the State University of Campinas. She is the coordinator of the Thought and Language Research Group at the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas. She works in the fields of Education and Psychology, and has carried out research projects related to the following topics: human development, teaching relationships, school practices, discursive practices, historical-cultural perspective. She currently holds the position of coordinator of the Editorial Committee of Cadernos CEDES.



How to Cite

de Azevedo, M. N. ., & Bustamante Smolka, A. L. . (2023). COLLECTIVE CREATIVE ACTIVITY: RESISTANCE UNIT OF TEACHING WORK: RESISTANCE UNIT OF TEACHING WORK. Educação Em Revista, 39(39). Retrieved from


