
  • Viviane Florentino de Melo Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)
  • Amanda Amantes Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)



Self-concept scale in Chemistry, Instrument validation, Item Response Theory.


In this study, we present the process of building and validating a self-concept scale in Chemistry for Brazilian high school students and evaluating the sample's self-concept configuration. We built a psychometric model and a test that was applied to 203 students. The analysis was done using the item response theory and the classic test theory. The results indicated that the scale is valid and comprises three factors: performance, interest, and cognitive engagement. The analysis of the self-concept showed that there is no difference in endorsement concerning the factors. Also, through this analysis, we identified that only sex was shown to be a predictor; this occurred only for the performance facet.


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2021-04-05 — Updated on 2021-04-30

