The Volta effect. A case study on the production of sensitive effects and theorizing processes in science.



  • Marina Garzón Barrios Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Liliana Tarazona Vargas Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Sandra Sandoval Osorio Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • José Francisco Malagón Sánchez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • María Mercedes Ayala Manrique Universidad Pedagógica Nacional



Enseñanza de las ciencias, Procesos de teorización en ciencias, Efecto Volta.


In this paper, we present some reflections on the relationships between perception, the production of sensitive effects and the processes of theoretical synthesis in the construction of knowledge in science. To illustrate these relationships, we developed a historical-critical study of the work of Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) on the voltaic battery and the electrical circuit. Volta detects and reproduces certain electrical effects through experiments that allow it to perceive the continuity and directionality of the electric fluid while constituting theoretical propositions about electricity. This case exemplifies the constructive process of knowledge that is necessary to consider when establishing criteria for science education.


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2021-02-03 — Updated on 2021-04-30

