The use of Test of Basic Scientific Literacy in Brazil: a literature review

A literature review




Quantitative research, Scientific Literacy; Literature review, Literature review, Scientific Literacy


The TBSL is one of the inference tools of the students' scientific literacy level. Elaborated by Laugksch and Spargo (1996) The test is refered in the national and international context. In Brazil, it was translated by Nascimento-Schulze (2006) and since then researches were conducted using it as an instrument. In order to explore Brazilian studies, a literature review is presented in order to know the national production that has made use of TBSL. We found 16 productions. The works highlighted its theoretical structure and the reference in international researches, as well as the suggestion of instrumental reduction studies. With this article we hope to gather the experiences that used this tool and thus, to know the profits and challenges of using it.


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2021-02-03 — Updated on 2021-04-30

