
  • Lucia Helena Sasseron Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo (FEUSP)



Discursive interactions; Argument; Elementary School


Discursive interactions in science education promote dialogical environment. Argumentation has been focus of study in ​​science education research. In this paper, we intend to explore how arguments are discussed in classes in which discursive interactions are prompt. The theoretical discussion that underlies this study also helps us to analyze data. This case study has a qualitative bias for the analysis of science lessons. We present a way of organizing information from discursive interactions to show how the ideas under discussion become arguments. We understand that this study can contribute to research in science education, presenting a kind of analysis for the construction of arguments that, while punctuating the contributions of each person, reveals transformations from ideas to become claims, evidence or justification.


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2021-02-03 — Updated on 2021-04-30

