Delimitação de Áreas de Preservação Permanente determinadas pelo relevo
aplicação da Legislação Ambiental em duas microbacias hidrográficas no estado de Goiás
Areas of permanent preservation, Environmental legislation, use and occupation, João Leite River, Extrema RiverAbstract
This paper discusses the interpretation and application of the legislation, in determining of Areas of permanent preservation related to relief. The purpose was to indicate all the categories set in two watersheds, João Leite river and Extrema river. By doing this it has been mapped eight categories of permanent preservation, in the two watersheds: marginal bands of 30 meters and 50 meters in rivers; marginal bands in lakes and reservoirs; marginal radius of 50 meters on springs; retreat of 100 meters at the edges of plates; Hill Tops; divide lines and escarpments. It was also prepared maps of the surface use, to correlate with this areas. In the Basin of João Leite River, only 22.23% are covered by remnants of vegetation in which the predominance is pastures, with 65% of the area. In the Extrema River, 43.62% are covered by remnants, which have also predominance of pastures, 48.34%. For the areas of permanent preservation, in João Leite River, the total was the amount of 18.25% of its area, in the Extrema River, 26.82%, and the classes of hill tops are predominant in both. Clearly there is a discrepancy between the patterns of use and occupation, in Joao Leite River, 62.07% of the areas of permanent preservation are under use, and in the Extrema River presents 78.2% of preservation in this areas. The most respected categories are the geomorphological areas, mainly by the slope, and the other hand the margins of streams and reservoirs are the most affected.
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- 2022-10-19 (2)
- 2008-12-01 (1)
Copyright (c) 2008 Raphael de Oliveira Borges, Cleuler Barbosa das Neves, Selma Simões de Castro
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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