Avaliação da qualidade das águas superficiais na Fazenda da Escola Agrotécnica Federal de Barbacena-MG
Water quality, agricultural activity, environmental impactAbstract
he development of productive activities in rural properties can compromise the quality of the waters due to the use of inadequate handling techniques. Therefore, it becomes essential to adopt an adequate planning in order to promote the development of the agricultural activities as to minimize the impacts over the hydric resources. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of the anthropic interventions over the quality of the superficial waters in the drainage area under influence of the Bar-bacena Federal Agrotechnical School Farm (EAFAB), in order to subsidize the elaboration of the project of environmental adequation to be proposed to the school. To evaluate the present impacts, physicochemical and microbiological analyses of the waters, flow evaluation, and elaboration of the soil usage mapping in the area of study were performed. The results demonstrated the loss of native vegetation areas, and the degradation of the quality of the waters of the water bodies present in the areas of the EAFAB, considering the nonconformity to the established limits by the legislation for the levels of thermotolerant coliforms, total phosphorus, BOD5, OD, and turbidity. Despite the contribution to the agriculture in the deterioration of the waters, the main source are the domestic effluents of the urban area in the surroundings.
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Copyright (c) 2009 Paulo Octávio de Lima e Costa Araújo, Frederico Wagner de Azevedo Lopes, Renato Luís Grisi Macedo, José Aldo Alves Pereira
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