A evidência de práticas orientalistas como instrumento do imperialismo no pós-11 de Setembro


  • Leonardo Luiz Silveira da Silva Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas gerais




Imperialism, Orientalism, Edward Said, ethnocentrism, the terrorist attacks of September 11


The imperialist rhetoric has long been in the service of a mission civilisatrice morally justifying the subjugation of one people by another. This strategy passed by the derogatory stereotyping that relied on a proposal strongly ethnocentric. Professor Edward Said, one of the exponents of postcolonial studies, suggested the term “Orientalism” that would be a way of approaching the East – specifically the Islamic world – based on Western European experience. Through its accurate critique, the teacher presents the different ways to consolidate imaginary that were in the service of European imperialism. With decolonization and after the end of the Cold War, a rescue of the orientalist approach coincides with the position of the Islamic world as an obstacle to Western aspirations. The strengthening of Orientalism becomes even more pronounced after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The article aims to point out the rescue Orientalist evidence in the contemporary world as a form of moral justification for imperialism. The following text it is an attempt to show that the hegemonic discourses are serving less noble causes that dress supposed universal values.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. L. S. da. (2013). A evidência de práticas orientalistas como instrumento do imperialismo no pós-11 de Setembro. Revista Geografias, 9(2), 56–74. https://doi.org/10.35699/2237-549X.13361




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