A ocorrência de padrões meandricos no rio Pequeno em Linhares (ES)


  • Eberval Marchioro
  • Wilker Giacomin Drago




Meandering, River Pequeno, Lake Juparanã


This study aims at analyzing the occurrence of meandering patterns and abandoned meanders on Pequeno River, a tributary of the Doce River, in the municipality of Linhares, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Photointerpretation using and field studies were carried out so as to previously identify and measure the river length and meander spur, and then obtain sinuosity value equal or over 1.5, to be characterized as a meander. Once the meanders were identified, the river was partitioned because of the meanders along the Pequeno River. On Pequeno River, the study identified 10 (ten) meanders and 8 (eight) abandoned meanders. The highest number of meanders occurred in the first and third partitions, respectively. In partition 2 (two), we found only one meander, because of the effects on Grupo Barreiras sedimentary cliffs. In general, the highest numbers of meanders and abandoned meanders on the right portion of Pequeno River are due to the occurrence of essential conditions for developing this pattern along the river course


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How to Cite

Marchioro, E., & Giacomin Drago, W. (2015). A ocorrência de padrões meandricos no rio Pequeno em Linhares (ES). Revista Geografias, 11(1), 24–42. https://doi.org/10.35699/2237-549X.13391


