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Ensino-aprendizagem do saber religião em Geografia


  • Diego Salomão Candido de Oliveira Salvador UFRN
  • Roseane Richele de Medeiros



Teaching-learning in Geography, Religion, Methodological strategies


In view of the increasingly frequent innovations, the teaching-learning process should not occur only through lectures. This is because there are several methodological strategies available for the development of the educational process, with a view to understanding reality based on the students' experience. With this understanding, we aim to analyze the teaching-learning of religion knowledge in Geography, specifically, in the High School of public schools in the city of Caicó (RN). We defined the level of Basic Education for research, more precisely, High School, since it is at this level of education that the capacity for abstraction and symbolization by students must be considered. In addition, in high school there is a deepening of knowledge learned in elementary school, which makes it possible to approach the religious phenomenon in the teaching of Geography. Furthermore, we defined public high schools in the city of Caicó for research, considering the fact that this is the main urban center of the Seridó Potiguar region, and the educational procedures adopted in schools in that city end up influencing – directly or indirectly – those developed in schools in other municipalities seridenses. In addition, the production of the Caicó space was and is influenced by religion, a historical fact that can make the Geography teacher seek to contextualize the educational process through the relationship between space and religion. As a result of the investigation, we affirm the importance of working on the knowledge of religion in Geography, since religion and Geography have intrinsic relations, making it possible to analyze the production of geographical space through questions or religious aspects.


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Author Biographies

Diego Salomão Candido de Oliveira Salvador, UFRN

Doutor em Geografia pela UNICAMP. Professor do Departamento e de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da UFRN.

Roseane Richele de Medeiros

Mestra em Geografia pela UFRN.


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How to Cite

Diego Salomão Candido de Oliveira Salvador, & Roseane Richele de Medeiros. (2021). Ensino-aprendizagem do saber religião em Geografia. Revista Geografias, 17(1), 60–80.


