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Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Outros mundos: novas subjetividades, novos métodos

Sharing of affections: an embroidery of possible actions

January 29, 2022


This essay is constituted as an initial reading of verified approaches between affections and politics, through practices shared by different subjects in the urban space, which represent alternatives that stand in opposition to neoliberalism. This reflection is a result of an acting in the field of technical assistance, which mobilizes actions of confronting and to resist against the dominant order. An analogy to embroidery is proposed as a methodological strategy, from three threads that aim to forms of agency that could be studied as a critical perspective of intervention at the macro-political sphere. In them, there is an approach about the relation between politics and psychoanalysis; another one, about the recovery of the concept of Common as a strategy for society’s transformation; and a third on collective social practices that constitute microconjunctures. The three readings express intersections, emphasizing that, even in face of adversity conditions, individuals are led to produce other ways of agency to make their urban experiences viable within the neoliberal order. Therefore, the verification of these references might contribute on the development of techniques that strengthen the arrangements already established in these locations, which overlaps the social control structures, intervening in daily life and producing important transformations, from which other threads can be stitched.


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