

Consciousness, Absolute, Finitude, Substance, Hegel


The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that one of the reasons
for Hegel’s failure in consummating the project of “construct the absolute for
consciousness” presented in 1801 in his Writing on Difference consisted in the
patent mismatch between the negativity to which the determinations of finitude
would be submitted and the conception of the absolute still substantially thought.
Precisely, what we call here the archaism of substantiality would set the tone of
this mismatch that still entailed the heterogeneity between finitude, with its way
of ascending to the absolute, and the absolute itself. Among other things, this
will become clearer observing the formalism of the intuitionist proposal that
Hegel presents at that time, aiming to safeguard the elevation of consciousness
without its intrinsic negativity tainting the absolutity of the principle to which
it was elevated.

Author Biography

  • Luiz Filipe da Silva Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

    Doutorando em Filosofia pela UFRGS/Bolsista Capes. Pesquisador do Núcleo de pesquisa em filosofia clássica alemã (NUFCAL) e do Núcleo de estudos hegelianos (NEHGL).


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How to Cite

THE ARCHAISM OF SUBSTANTIALITY IN HEGEL’S DIFFERENCE WRITING. Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 65, n. 156, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jan. 2025.