

Jacques Rancière, literature romanesque, representation, aesthetic regime, politics of writing, Roland Barthes


In “The Lost Thread: the democracy of Modern Fiction”, Jacques Rancière will criticize Roland Barthes, stating that his interpretation of Gustave Flaubert's book “A simple heart” would have shown himself unable to understand the politics of writing of romanesque literature. For Thomas Clerc, reader of Barthes, Rancière would have been confused by the double character of Barthesian thought: both structuralist and critical. Both authors, Barthes and Rancière, strive to refuse a thought based on the notion of representation. Our hypothesis, however, is that the authors diverge in relation to the very meaning of representation, resulting in a divergence in the understanding of politics, which would support Rancière's criticism of Barthes not as a confusion, but, rather, as a refusal to the politics of Barthesian writing. With this, we intend to reconstruct the arguments of both autors around Flaubert, to understand the politics of writing that they operate. Refusing the point of view structuralist and demystifying of ideologies of Barthes, Rancière points to another reading that sees in the Romanesque literature the rupture in relation to the politics of writing of the representative regime and the configuration of the aesthetic regime.


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How to Cite

BLANCO, D. C. . DESCRIPTION: AN EFFECT OF REALITY OR AN EFFECT OF EQUALITY? A RANCIÈRE DIALOGUE WITH (AND AGAINST) BARTHES. Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 63, n. 153, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


