

Cause, act, form, causality, becoming, substance


Aristotle affirms in Phys. II 7, 198a 25 that of the four main causes of becoming, three of them are reduced to one: the form. In this way, the Stagirite seems to establish that the form is the foundation of causality. From this decision, in this writing two main questions will be raised from a common denominator: one will be how to interpret the causal primacy of the form, and the other will be the relationship between this primacy and the First motor engine as the first cause of movement, both questions seen from the act-power theory.


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How to Cite

SERRA-PÉREZ, M. A. . “ἔρχεται δὲ τὰ τρία εἰς [τὸ] ἕν πολλάκις” AN INTERPRETATION OF PHYS. II 7, 198A 25 ABOUT THE FOUNDING CAUSAL SENSE OF BECOMING IN LIGHT OF THE ACT-POTENCY THEORY: . Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 62, n. 149, 2021. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/kriterion/article/view/35088. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


