art and rhetorics in Gadamer's late hermeneutics



Structure, tarrying, ductus


The article discusses the importance of the concept of tarrying (Verweilen) in Hans-Georg Gadamer later hermeneutics. The hypothesis consists in that one can understand it better when relating it with the concept of ductus, as elaborated by rhetoricians such as Mary Carruthers and Paul Crossley. The paper begins with a short introduction focused on four major concepts of art in Truth and Method, namely, event, structure, contemporaneity, and festival. Afterwards, it discusses the importance of the relationship between tarrying and structure regarding the temporality of art. Later, it relates tarrying and being moved from the perspective of rhetoric. Finally, the paper ends with a presentation of the rhetorical concept of ductus and suggests its affinity with the Gadamerian conception of tarrying.


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How to Cite

WU, R. . THE MUTUALITY BETWEEN STAYING AND BEING MOVED: : art and rhetorics in Gadamer’s late hermeneutics . Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 62, n. 149, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


