Public High School and Leisure in Ermelino Matarazzo


  • Madalena Pedroso Aulicino Universidade de São Paulo (USP)



Leisure Activities, Poverty Areas, Public Policies


The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the use of public schools as places of recreation in low-income suburbs of São Paulo. After a brief review of the literature on leisure, social inequality, underdevelopment and education in Brazil, it was reported the survey in 2009 among residents of Ermelino Matarazzo. This survey assessed the contribution to the sense of belonging, identity, use of public schools during the weekend for recreation, which was confirmed by the results. In addition, a significant portion of respondents would be willing to volunteer for the maintenance or expansion of these activities and was also identified that they feel "ownership" and that this feeling would have the power to choose the future or future activities on the school. It is also reported the need to use more participatory public policy, something that no socio-economic status cannot avoid from happening.


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Artigos Originais

How to Cite

Public High School and Leisure in Ermelino Matarazzo. (2011). LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 14(2).