Vol. 2 No. 1 (1982): Lundiana: International Journal of Biodiversity

					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (1982): Lundiana: International Journal of Biodiversity

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Serra do Espinhaço "divides the Province of Minas Gerais ... into two botanical zones or regions ... in the East, the forests, and in the West, fields and pastures ... Furthermore, this same mountain range separate the Province of Minas into two zoological regions ... "(Saint-Hilaire, 1831).
The distribution of the two species of opossums: Didelphis albiventris, bicolor ear or white belly, and Didelphis marsupialis, black ear, confirms the veracity of the frequencies of the old naturalist traveler.

(Art: Vulcano and Bittencourt)


Editorial Board


-Neyde de Souza Moreira

Dean of Department of Zoology

-Ney Eny Carnevalli

Vice of Department of Zoology

-Arino da Silveira Guedes

-Célio Murillo de Carvalho Valle

-Cristina Sena Mascarenhas

-Jenner Procópio de Alvarenga

-Jose Batista Ferreira Filho

-Leny de Souza Filardi

-Maria Ignez Ferolla

-Mário de Maria

-Sérgio Ypiranga de Souza Pinto

-Victoria Margarida Brant Ypiranga Pinto

Published: 1982-12-01
