The Perspectivism of perception in Husserl
analyses around Ideas I
phenomenology, Husserl, perceptionAbstract
In this work, we examine the steps that lead Husserl, in Ideas I, to deal with the mode of donation of space objects to consciousness, especially on the paragraphs §41 and §44. We are interested in accompanying and examining the formulation of what we call “perceptual perspectivism”, consisting in the theorization that the appearance of perceptual objects is marked by the presentation by profiles (Abschattungen). The perspectivism of perception appears in various facets throughout the work. Our investigation is dedicated to two important moments of allusion to perceptual perspectivism: in the characterization of the existential index of reality as being “simply there” in the natural attitude and in the description of the unilaterality of the object as opposed to the absolute being of consciousness.
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