From (inter)corporeality to melancholic depression on Fuchs’ phenomenological psychopathology




Phenomenological Psychopathology, corporeality, intercorporeality, melancholic depression, Thomas Fuchs


In this paper, we aimed to review the theorical foundations of Thomas Fuchs’ phenomenological psychopathology regarding the experience of the body in melancholic depression. Through research in electronic databases, we performed a literature review which investigated papers published by the author between the years of 1994 and 2018. We’ve found the corporeality highlighted as an access way to understanding melancholic depression, developed towards intercorporeality by focusing on the idea of intersubjectivity. Intercorporeality is the bridge of ambiguous constitution of the human-world relation, allowing the sharing of our experiences. For Fuchs, melancholic depression is a disorder of intercorporeality, because instead of connecting human and world, the bodily experience becomes an obstacle. Fuchs contributes for the construction of an embodied human perspective; in which it is set as an indivisible unit in the experience by comprehending melancholic depression as a patient’s way of being in the world.


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Author Biographies

Victor Monteiro, Universidade de Fortaleza

Graduando em Psicologia da Universidade de Fortaleza. Possui formação em Psicoterapia Humanista Fenomenológica. Membro do Laboratório de Psicopatologia e Clínica Humanista Fenomenológica – APHETO.

Camila Souza, Universidade de Fortaleza

Mestre e Doutora em Psicologia pela Universidade de Fortaleza. Pesquisadora do Laboratório de Psicopatologia e Clínica Humanista Fenomenológica – APHETO. Docente do curso de Psicologia do Centro Universitário Farias Brito.

Virginia Moreira, Universidade de Fortaleza

Doutora em Psicologia Clínica pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Professora-titular do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade de Fortaleza. 


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How to Cite

Monteiro, V., Souza, C., & Moreira, V. (2020). From (inter)corporeality to melancholic depression on Fuchs’ phenomenological psychopathology. Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology, 37.


