Praxiological theories of perception and the concentricity of space, own body and intersubjectivity


  • Danilo Saretta Verissimo Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita – Campus Assis



perception, space, body, intersubjectivity, phenomenology


We circumscribe and examine, in this theoretical paper, lines of study, conceptual networks and discussions about perception that stand out in the scope of what we call praxiological theories of perceptual intentionality. We are guided, in theoretical and methodological terms, by the phenomenological tradition. We start from the assumption, present in the phenomenological approaches of perception, of the concentricity among the perceptual experience of space, of the own body and of others. Combined with these three concentric axes, we listed, for discussion, the problems of perceptual attention and amodal perception, scheme and body image, and joint attention and mirror neurons. In the analysis, the bonds between perception and action are reinforced, which brings us closer to an embodied and situated conception of subjectivity.


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Author Biography

Danilo Saretta Verissimo, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita – Campus Assis

Danilo Saretta Verissimo é Professor-Associado Livre-docente do Departamento de Psicologia Social da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras – UNESP Campus Assis.


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How to Cite

Verissimo, D. S. (2021). Praxiological theories of perception and the concentricity of space, own body and intersubjectivity. Memorandum: Memory and History in Psychology, 38.


