Dimensions and approaches of a (new?) management of Information and Culture Units (ICUs)

preliminary reflections





Information and Culture Units, Management of Information and Culture Units, Dimensions and approaches to Management, UICs, ICUs


The objective of this study is to identify the main dimensions related to the management of Information and Culture Units, considering the 'state of the art' of theoretical-conceptual approaches on the subject. For this, a literature review was conducted in the Scopus and Scielo databases, considering publications between 2017 and 2021, in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Of the total of 180 articles recovered, 75 were selected for the composition of this study, of which 30 were read in full. Dimensions such as 'users' 'leadership' 'strategy' 'innovation', 'collaborators', 'internal context', 'surroundings', 'indicators' and 'technology' were identified as salutary in the process of managing these information units in the current contemporary context. Approaches related to organizational learning, such as log files, multicriteria methodology in decision support, balanced scorecard and data envelopment analysis were identified as helpers in the process of managing the identified dimensions



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How to Cite

DUTRA, L. F. .; PEREIRA, F. C. M.; DIAS, A. C. T. de M. . Dimensions and approaches of a (new?) management of Information and Culture Units (ICUs): preliminary reflections. Múltiplos Olhares em Ciência da Informação , Belo Horizonte, n. Especial, 2021. DOI: 10.35699/2237-6658.2021.37065. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/moci/article/view/37065. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

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