Images of Hetairai? Archilochus of Paros Fr. 30, 31, 33 IEG
Archilochus, Archaic Greek Poetry, Iambi, hetairaiAbstract
This paper presents comments on fragments 30, 31, and 33 IEG of Archilochus, and their critical fortune. Fragments 30 and 31 IEG were united in a single poem by Bergk (1882, 1915), in which he was followed by many editors and critics. This joining of the fragments will be discussed, as well as the images that gave rise to different, and sometimes entirely opposite, interpretations: some read the verses “romantically” as a moving description of the young Neoboule, the poet’s “fiancée”; while others, since Liebel (1812, 1818), suppose the myrtle and rose (Fr. 30 IEG) may bear erotic connotations. More recently, Della Corte (1940, p. 94, n. 3) and Lavagnini (1947, p. 102-103) suggested that the description in these verses might have been influenced by Archaic statues (kórai).
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