Virgil’s Copa: Presentation and Translation


  • Gilson José Santos Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Author
  • João Paulo Andrade Dias Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Author



Roman literature, Virgil, Appendix Vergiliana, Copa


This paper presents a translation purpose for Virgil’s poem Copa. The translation was carried out in free verse style. Copa completes the so called Appendix Vergiliana, an anthology which assembles many poems credited to Virgil both by ancient writers and medieval tradition. However, these minor works have diversified extension, theme and even style. Like some other poems of the Appendix, Copa’s title is taken from its first word. It is written in elegiac couplets and portrays a place where Romans enjoy pleasure, even though its hidden motive constitutes an invitation to carpe diem, i. e., to leisure with delight. A brief description precedes the poem, and explanatory notes in Portuguese were also added in order to elucidate reading difficulties pointed by scholars that studied Copa previously. These notes intend to clarify linguistic and literary aspects of the poem.

Author Biographies

  • Gilson José Santos, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
    Professor Adjunto de Língua Latina, Literatura Latina e Filologia Românica da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia. Pós-doutor em Estudos Clássicos (UNICAMP), Doutor em Letras (UFMG), Mestre em Letras (UFMG) e Graduado em Letras (UFMG).
  • João Paulo Andrade Dias, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
    Graduado em Filosofia (UFU), Mestrando em Filosofia (UFU)


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How to Cite

Virgil’s Copa: Presentation and Translation. (2017). Nuntius Antiquus, 13(1), 293-302.