Literature and rhetoric in Quintilian’s Institutio oratoria and Brazilian Supreme Court
Literature, Rhetoric, Quintilian, Institutio oratoria, Brazilian Supreme CourtAbstract
This paper aims to point out similarities between some argumentative resources from Brazilian Supreme Court’s judges and Quintilian’s precepts in the sixth book of Institutio oratoria concerning handling the emotions of an audience and the usage of literary excerpts in forensic speeches. Therefore, we compare six direct quotes from Virgil’s Aeneid, used by the ancient rhetorician to illustrate some successful persuasion strategies, to five judges’ votes in three recent hard cases that attracted much media attention: ADI 3510 (biosafety law on stem- cells), ADI 4277 (recognition of homoaffective union) and the ADPF 54 (decriminalizing abortion in case of unborn diagnosed with anencephaly). The comparison seems appropriate to demonstrate the topicality and the circulation of a rhetorical modus operandi already discussed and accepted by ancient authors, that modernly, however, engenders a certain threat to the myth of impartial and objective Law.
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