The elegiac game: borders between intellectual culture and poetic fiction


  • Paulo Martins Universidade de São Paulo Author



Roman elegy, Propertius, intellectual culture, fiction, reality


The aim of this article is to point out some referential elements of intellectual culture in association with fictional elements in Roman love elegy. This relationship clarifies “the elegiac game”, i.e., the concept described by P. Veyne in L’élégie érotique romaine (1983) which concerns the constant contact between real and fictional referents in Roman elegy, as well as the effects produced in the audience by it. Such device, I believe, can be considered as the main feature of Roman love elegy. Thus, this paper revaluates one of Veyne’s theses, taking into account G. B. Conte (1986) and later scholars’ criticism, in an effort to present a new contribution to the comprehension of this poetic genre.

Author Biography

  • Paulo Martins, Universidade de São Paulo

    Professor Livre-Docente de Língua e Literatura Latina

    DLCV/FFLCH - Universidade de São Paulo

    Bolsista Pq - CNPq


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How to Cite

The elegiac game: borders between intellectual culture and poetic fiction. (2015). Nuntius Antiquus, 11(1), 137-172.