Pindar’s Third Pythian Ode:
prototype for a commented translation
Translation, Commented Translation, Greek Lyric, Epinician, Pindar, Pythian 3Abstract
This article presents a translation of Pindar’s Third Pythian Ode (P.3) into Portuguese followed by a commentary that deals with my theoretical translation tenets. It is divided into two main parts. In the first part, I discuss the nature of Pindaric poetry, its reception in antiquity, and how characteristics associated with it, such as its oral character, its complexity, and its alleged obscurity, matter to the translator's work. In the second part, I present my translation of P.3, followed by a commentary in which I discuss how the characteristics evidenced in the first part can be transposed into Portuguese, while arguing that poetic devices used by Pindar in his epinicians and often deemed untranslatable, such as the maintenance of compound nouns and inversions of syntax, not being alien to the Portuguese language and to its lyrical past, can and should be preserved in translation.
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