Superbo triumpho e triumpho magno
Cleopatra's versions in Horace and Suetonius
Cleopatra, Horace, Suetonius, Augustus, historiographyAbstract
This article aims to analyze and compare the representations of Cleopatra VII in the ode I, 37, by Horace and in selected excerpts of Julius Caesar’s and Augustus’ books in Suetonius’ De Vitis Caesarum, the latter with an original translation. To this end, it is first presented general information about the authors, their works and the Egyptian queen, taking into account literary, linguistic and cultural-historical elements for the analysis. The article also seeks to situate the texts among others in Latin literature that represent Cleopatra, bringing up debates about the Romans’ view of women and foreigners and how the queen is particularly treated. It concludes that both the ode I, 37 and the De Vitis distance themselves from the general characteristics of Cleopatra, respectively, in Augustan literature and other historiographical works; moreover, it speculates that the discrepancy between the texts seems to go beyond the different literary genres.
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