The Dawn of Pink Fingers
Feminism and Historical Totality in Vai raiar o sol, by Júlia Lopes de Almeida
dramaturgy, Brazilian theater, critical theoryAbstract
Abstract: The analysis of a text written by Júlia Lopes de Almeida, which remained unpublished and unknown for a long time, seeks to represent the role played by women in Brazilian dramaturgy history, contributing not only to recover a part of the countless voices muted by official historiography, but also to show that there are decisive contributions by Brazilian playwrights in the history of our negative formation. Such contributions occurred despite the fact that the social organization of theatrical production has systematically excluded the participation of women over the centuries. Furthermore, we will try to demonstrate that Vai raiar o sol expresses, through the displacement of several procedures that mark the hegemonic model of bourgeois drama, important historical aspects of the situation of working women during the long Brazilian twentieth century.
Keywords: Dramaturgy; Brazilian theater; critical theory.
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