For a critical edition of Sousândrade’s O Guesa
Some Principles and Problems
Joaquim de Sousândrade, O Guesa, critical editionAbstract
Abstract: The article addresses challenges for a critical edition of Joaquim de Sousândrade’s long poem O Guesa. As manuscripts of the poem have not subsisted, the critical edition will be based on the last version of the poem published in the poet’s life: the London edition of O Guesa [188-], which have been raised by the author himself. Although it seems a conventional principle, the editorial aim is to take into account, for the first time, the earlier versions of O Guesa’s Cantos. Versions that have been published in several Sousândrade’s collections from 1867 to the 1870’s. Joaquim de Sousândrade was a prolific writer, obsessed with the revision and expansion of his poem. The result was that O Guesa is a complex and plural work. The notion of an ideal unitary text must be abandoned in favor of an edition which takes into consideration the plurality of versions of the poem, the richness and profusion of its textual variants, its textual instability and unfinished final state.
Keywords: Joaquim de Sousândrade; O Guesa; critical edition.
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