Drummond and the Ontological Event





ontological event, schizophrenic form, poetry, Drummond


Abstract: This philosophical essay intends to analyze the poem “Being”, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade, in the light of some ontological reflections. We will not start from the literary analysis, but we will try to arrive at it by the stream of the philosophical reflection itself, which begins in the first part with a question very close to the style of the second Heidegger, but without the concern of keeping in the Heideggerian orthodoxy; and which is only complete with meditation on Drummond, whose poem offers not only opportunity to think about the question of being on the threshold of a certain conception of temporality, but also gives itself as a possible form of that thought of the limit between being and time. For this, more than a simple reference to the Freudian notion of death drive seems to appear as a strong necessity.

Keywords: ontological event; schizophrenic form; poetry; Drummond.

Author Biography

  • Abah Andrade, Universidade Federal da Paraíba

    Mestre e doutor em filosofia pela USP, autor de Si mesmo como história (Loyola, 2014), prodessor titular de filosofia em UFPB.


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