Hilda Hilst’s Philosophical Reveries

The Case of the Poem XVI from Balada de Alzira


  • Victor André Pinheiro Cantuário Universidade Federal do Amapá




Hilda Hilst, Balada de Alzira, Contemporary Brazilian Poetry, Western Philosophy


The objective of this paper is to show the presence of philosophical issues in Hilda Hilst’s poems, mainly in those published in the books of the 1950s. In those poems, the Paulista writer discussed strictly philosophical questions that would identify her literary production as love, the sacred, the searching for the first principle of the Ancient Greek philosophers, the platonic ideal, death and the drama of existence, the limits and uses of language, and so on. As representative of what has been intended to do, it was selected the poem XVI, from Balada de Alzira (1951) to analyze and comment, to be evident the relation between both the fields of literature and philosophy, and to demonstrate that in those early works, Hilda Hilst, wanting to achieve the maturity of her writing and poetical styles, has written poems in which are evident exercises of thinking and deeply philosophical reflections.


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