The Heterodiscourse in Memórias de Lázaro, by Adonias Filho
Adonias Filho, heterodiscourse, Memórias de LázaroAbstract
This paper studies the heterodiscourse in the novel Memórias de Lázaro, by the Bahian writer Adonias Filho. The Bakhtinian notion of heterodiscourse was used as an analytical tool to examine the relationship between the protagonist-narrator Alexandre and the character Jerônimo; the study indicated the influence of this character as determinant for the narrative aesthetics of the novel. The discourse transmission proved to be fundamental in the relationship between Alexandre and Jerônimo functioning under the form of a heterodiscourse about the evil that not only solidifies the family bond between them, but also establishes the foundations of the conditions of evil in the diegesis. In addition, Jerônimo’s discursive construction presented itself as a social heterodiscourse about the mid-20th century Bahian Cocoa Zone that contrasts with that of other works of Brazilian literature set in this context.
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