Narrating and Being

The Us Narrator’s Personality Eu receberia as piores notícias de seus lindos lábios


  • Netanias Mateus de Souza Castro Instituto Federal do Pará



narrator, first person, contemporary Brazilian romance, Eu receberia as piores notícias de seus lindos lábios


The history of the novel saw, before it, different ways of narrating, as pointed out by the writings of Theodor W. Adorno, for example. From impersonal narrators, maintaining the safe distance that the third person narrative gives him until the cases in which what is narrated is something directly related to the narrator himself. This seems to be the case with Marçal Aquino’s novel I would receive the worst news from his beautiful lips, which tells of Cauby and Lavínia’s loving involvement from the point of view of Cauby himself. He narrates in a way whose relationship with himself and the narrative is explicit, such is his passion for his experiences and the act of narrating. This manifests itself both in language, in terms of narrative choices, and in the actions of the narrator-character-protagonist who narrates and experiences what he narrates. Its most notable characteristics are passionality, the ability to photographically record details of the narrative and break with traditional narrative techniques.


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