The Generino dos Santos’ Satiric Poetry in O Trabalho Newspaper


  • Isabela Melim Borges Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Alckmar Luiz dos Santos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Generino dos Santos, satiric poetry, fictionalization


This paper aims to present and discuss some poems by Generino dos Santos published in O Trabalho (PE) newspaper, in 1873. The poet actively participated at Escola do Recife, published and edited periodicals that questioned the Brazilian status quo’s period, in other words, Generino dos Santos was a republican, abolitionist and positivist who defended, among many other things, the laic state. In O Trabalho (1873), he published satirical poems that had criticized, through satire, the Recife reality of that time. So, through fictionalization as a way of dealing with this satire more distant from the current reader, this text works with three proposals represented by the poems of Generino, regarding the extraliterary elements: 1) poems in which these elements appear and are recognizable; 2) poems in which the presence of these elements is identified, but it is not possible to identify them; 3) poems in which the generality is so vast that it would hide the presence of specific contextual elements.


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