Alberto Pucheu’s Geração Lula: Glances Towards the 21st Century Brazilian Poetry


  • Jean Fabricio Lopes Ferreira Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Aulus Mandagará Martins Universidade Federal de Pelotas



Geração Lula, contemporary Brazilian poetry, female poets


A new generation of poets, usually from the lower classes and who have experienced access to college education due to the public policies of PT governments, from 2003 to 2016, has been called, by Alberto Pucheu, Geração Lula. In this article it was sought to analyze some of the production of a few poets of this group and to understand them in the light of what Marcos Siscar and Celia Pedrosa conceive for contemporary Brazilian poetry. It was observed in the selected poets a connection to the idea of poetry presenting itself in a narrative prosaism, a thematic and formal freedom that, sometimes, can coincide in a collective environment.


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