Prose, Verse and Media
Inter-artistic Confluences in the Trends of Contemporary Brazilian Literary Making, from Electronic to Print
intermediality in brazilian literature, text, image, internetAbstract
The following article aims at bringing into the spotlight relevant debates in the field of literature and intermedial study based on the presentation of some important research findings to Brazilian authors from the cyberspace. In this milieu, we suggest explanations about the state of being of the area regarding the dialogic interarts connections having as their theoretical foundation the writings of authors who are into this theme. In order to accomplish that, we intend to take advantage of illustrations which grasps the nature of the writings in which image make itself active in multiple instances – both as a resource to the development of a given electronic narrative as well as a manual record by means of verbal language. Finally, we discuss image as mediator among diverse supports which makes it possible to be seen as a possible abode for the text. Such ways of approaching literature acknowledge the fraternal embrace among art, man and technology in current times.
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