The Fragmented Subject
Relationships between the Post-modernity and the tale “Nos olhos do Intruso”
Brazilian literature, post-modernity, identity, double, Rubens FigueiredoAbstract
This article analyses the brazilian tale “Nos olhos do intruso”, by Rubens Figueiredo, and its relation with the post-modernity. For this, the protagonist’s behavior and his multifaceted identity are observed through the theme of the double. The theoretical approach comprises studies by Harvey (2008), Hall (1986), Lyotard (2009), Rosset (2008) and other authors. It is concluded that the strangeness, caused by the narrative events and the multiple meanings, dialogue with the concepts of post-modernity, according to which subjects are characterized by ephemeral and fragmented identities. In this way, the protagonist of the tale can be seen as a representative of post-modernity: he is a multiple, mobile, off-center and displaced subject, interloper on his own environment and on his own body.
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