Augusto de Campos
the Voice of the Poem, the Languages of Poetry
Augusto de Campos, technopoetry, the other voiceAbstract
In this article, we reflect on the poetry of Augusto de Campos from the notion of “another voice”, proposed by Octavio Paz. That is, in the sense that the poetry of Augusto Campos arises both from the negation of agreements, values, and forms of the world, and from the affirmation of languages and the inventive potential of the poem. The poem can be constituted as this subterranean voice that displaces all the others, and that is able to nod to the future and at the same time to brush against the grain of traditions. We also consider the notion of voice in the lyric, based on Alfonso Berardinelli’s reading of Hugo Friederich and T. S. Eliot. To compose this scenario of a refusal that establishes a singular voice, we will analyze some poems from Não and Outro, reflecting on the prism of the appropriation of distinct languages and the unfolding of the poem and the book between the printed and the digital.
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