Dialogue between history and literature in the contemporary novel by Maria José Silveira


  • Elane da Silva Plácido Universidade Federal de Sergipe




history, literature, female authorship


Considering Linda Hutcheon’s (1991) thought about the dialogue between fiction and history as discourses of human constructs that analyze the vestiges of the past in the present, constituting the historical-method, we will discuss in this article, how the problems that happened in the past are constructed and reviewed. History through the narrative of contemporary writer Maria José Silveira, in the novel Her mother’s mother’s mother and her daughters. Published in 2002, Silveira’s text narrates the history of Brazil from the 16th century to the present day, questioning the past within a new context, the feminist one, represented by a linearity of women from the same family. In order to analyze feminist historical ties, we will support our investigative gaze on two female characters in order to identify how this perception happens in the historical novel.


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