Dona Dadi Calungueira
Theater Popular of Northeast Women
Dona Dad, Female authorship, Popular theaterAbstract
Throughout history, few women have stood out for their role in society and, especially, in Literature. When it comes to dramaturgy, invisibility is even greater. In the Brazilian Northeast, for example, based on a patriarchal society, washerwomen, romancers, cordelistas, violeiras, among others, remained anonymous, many died without leaving their legacy. In this sense, our work aims to present the playwright Dona Dadi, master puppeteer, from the Teatro de João Redondo, in Rio Grande do Norte. The work is an excerpt of the research in development in the Doctorate, in the PPGLE (Postgraduate Program in Language and Teaching – UFCG). With this study, we intend to highlight the importance of her work for female dramaturgy, within the scope of popular literature. For this, we rely on: Borba Filho (1966), Gomes (2002), Del Priore (2004), Falei (2004), Zolin (2005), Perrot (2007), Zilberman (2008) and Pereira (2010)
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